Fake Christianity
A lesser imitation won't save you
The reason we know the one true God is because He revealed Himself in His Word. The Bible communicates His heart. It tells His complete story, from beginning to end with Jesus the centerpiece of it all!
Yet, we live in an age where many churches invent their own creeds and refuse the God who actually is. Rather, not liking the image God paints of Himself, and thinking low of what He says against what they want to do, they remake God in their image.
The “culture,” what the Bible calls “world,” is God hostile. Thus, so are many churches which assemble in His name. They’re fake. They are filled with people who love the god of this world over and above the One who sits on the throne forever. That’s why it’s never been more important for believers to find a church which is concerned with the full counsel of God, which doesn’t alter or edit out according to the appetite of the culture.
That’s also why caring what the Bible says and learning it for yourself is crucial. Without investigating the truth for yourself, you have no hope of identifying the counterfeits. You could go to fake church your whole life, deceive yourself into thinking you’re for God, and be cast into hell.
You see, the natural inclination of man is to have whatever his heart desires. The culture tells us to pursue our hearts, our truth, our true north. The Bible tells us the heart will lead us astray.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? ~ Jeremiah 17:9
Churches which have progressed and come into harmony with the times are fake. John tells us that those who geninuely chase after the truth—and The Son is all truth—will be hated by the world.
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ~ John 15:18-19
Remember, Satan is an alluring master. Since what people want more than anything is autonomy, to pursue whatever they fancy, his motto—do what you want—is an easy sell.
This pleases culture which, denying God’s law, has increasingly adopted an anything goes philosophy. Still, somehow it pretends to be with Jesus even though its morality opposes the very scripture He upheld. Flip through the channels and when you land on The View you’ll inevitably finding someone using Jesus to prop up her politics.
You see, Jesus is the most impactful figure to have ever lived—universally well regarded. So if one is able put Him in her corner, it carries weight. Thus, the tactic.
But Jesus is more than a rabbi who showed us love requires action. He’s King. He’s the author of everything and the complete and unfailing arbiter of truth. The world would be a better place if those who named Jesus actually cared what He thought.
They don’t.
It’s fake. The people who employ the tactic can know what He thinks, but their inability to articulate it evidences how little an effort they put into it. Their ideas come from somewhere other than the Bible. Their Jesus came to rescue the marginalized.
And there is truth there.
Jesus loves people. He absolutely cares about the marginalized. He’d want us to fix injustices. But the whole truth inconveniently harms their narrative.
Jesus came on mission. If you read just the gospel of Matthew you see the reason He came. He came because of the impending wrath of God. He came to rescue a people from their sin.
Our lives stand in rebellion against God. In Matthew, Jesus offers parable after parable warning of the destruction that will befall those who won’t heed His message. Jesus’ heart breaks over oppression, but the injustices people suffer in this world pale when compared to their doomed eternities. You have this one life to recognize your greatest need and then the judgment.
So when the media aligns Jesus with justice while ignoring sin, they reject the very reason for which He came into the world. They sacrifice greater truth at the alter of lesser truth. So, too, do fake churches. They give you lesser truth at the cost of never speaking saving truth.
The culture—and, let’s be fair, most in the media are of the world—is not actually pro-Jesus. He’s a political tool. If it loved Him, it’d pursue Him. It’d come to know Him authentically, on His terms. It would acknowledge sin and stop branding Him in its image. All the world does when it brings Jesus into its corner is deceive itself and others.
The fool thinks what he thinks is what God thinks. The Word is truth. You can’t ignore it, as media pundits do, and anticipate being on the same page as God.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. ~ Isaiah 55:8-9
Chase after knowing, worshipping, and serving the Living God in spirit and in truth as He actually is. Seek the truth.
Don’t conform His image to your image and then worship the idol you set up for yourself. That’s a worldly faith and one which absolutely won’t save you.
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